Stellenangebote Winnipeg Kanada: Jobsuche Stellenmarkt

Jobsuche Winnipeg in Kanada Stellenmarkt für Stellenanzeigen. Kostenlos Stellenangebote Winnipeg und Stellengesuche in Winnipeg.

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16.08.2007 Canada (Winnipeg) Job as plumber to 2009 or before it.
My name is Viktor Burau I am 27 years old,
i come from Germany and I am looking for a job as plumber or heater mechanic in Canada (Winnipeg) about to 2009  September.
Because I and my wife wont move to Canada. My professional training had I in the year 2002 (Jan) successfully finally.
We were in May in Canada for 2 weeks to visit,
we make in moment our documents for the emigration.
So if you have a job vacancy and if you want to know more my facilities I will send you my vitae and the letter of application.
Yours sincerely
Viktor Burau

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